Software USA 5 #2
Software USA Volume 5.02.iso
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If you purchase Transit, we might even tell you where the secret about boxes are!
If you make web pages, you know that Transit makes your job amazingly easier. Isn’t that worth a purchase?
It will improve your productivity! It’s not available in stores! It’ll attract members of the opposite sex! (Well, two out of three isn’t bad.)
We’re sure that you’ll agree it’s worth every penny. Purchase and enjoy!
Join the club of satisfied Transit owners! It’s quick, easy, and inexpensive!
Help Panic continue to make the greatest Mac software on the planet.
If you return that video you rented in time, you could buy Transit with the late fees you’ll save!
Become a part of Panic. Our customers are our family. (Well, the nice ones at least.)
It takes less than five minutes to order on-line, and it’s super-easy!
Programs like this don’t come along every day. Support the development of future ones!
See Spot. See Transit. See Spot run. Run, spot. Run.
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the Transit one, not the one with that dog.” —Robert Frost
“If you love something, give it cash.” —Socrates
It features a non-stick surface which literally knocks out the fat!
It’s surprisingly affordable, and as you know by now, worth every penny!
It’ll make up for that library book you never returned from fourth grade. Tsk tsk.
Order instantly on-line with a credit card. No waiting for your registration code!
You probably already love it, but with a 30-day money back guarantee, you can’t lose!
Join the club of satisfied, infinitely-pleased Transit owners. It’s easy, quick, and cheap!
Support quality, well-designed software on the MacOS by snagging a copy.
Transit costs way less than one call to Microsoft’s pay-per-incident support. Which would you rather have today?
Prove that we did the right thing by releasing a full-function demo. If you like it, buy it.
We like to surprise our customers with occasional goodies. You don’t want to miss out, do you?
One of the most significant MacOS programs to date is inexpensive and easy to buy!
It’s tax-deductible! (We’re lying. But try it and let us know how it goes!)
That bad karma you got from sneaking a grape or two in the produce section for a “taste test”? It’s gone when you purchase Transit.
That bad karma you got from not tipping that really really nice waiter? It’ll vanish when you purchase Transit.
That bad karma you got from taking more than one paper out of the newspaper box? It’ll go away when you purchase Transit.
No other FTP program gives you so much. For the cost of a pizza you could own FTP nirvana! (A gourmet pizza, yes, but the point stands.)
We saved you from the running dog. You owe us big time.
Have you tried synchronization yet? It’s proof positive Transit is worth every penny.
Transit is the best FTP program available on any platform: and it’s only for the Mac.
Support Transit, support Panic, support the Mac! Everyone wins, don’t you think?
Statistics show that software companies like paying customers 86% better than non-paying ones!
Isn’t it about time you took FTP out of the stone-age? Purchase and leave the 80’s behind.
Top-quality software for less than 25 bucks doesn’t come along every day, y’know.
Please purchase Transit today!